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Academic Publications

Journal Articles

Zimmerman, G. X. (They/He). Enhancing ungrading: Ideological assumptions and disability justice interventions [special issue]. Invited, with E. Carillo (Ed.). Pedagogy (in press).

Zimmerman, G. X. (They/He). Towards relationality: Speculating a collective futurity for disability studies through ‘letting go’. Disability & Society (under review).

Zimmerman, G. X. (They/He). A digital, critical Disability Studies ‘care web’: Imagining a Disability Studies collaborative archive. Interdisciplinary Engagement in Arts & Humanities (under review).

Kryger, K. (She/Her) & Zimmerman, G. X. (They/He). (2020). Neurodivergence and Intersectionality in Labor-Based Grading Contacts. Journal of Writing Assessment, 13(2), 1–12. (50%)

Zimmerman, G. X. (They/He). (2019). Trans* embodiment, rhetoricity, and that which clothes them [special issue]. Dress Practices as Embodied Multimodal Rhetoric, Journal of Multimodal Rhetorics, 3(2).

Book Chapters

Kryger, K. (She/Her) & Zimmerman, G. X. (They/He). Neurodiversity and Intersectionality in LaborBased Grading Contracts. Reprinted in C. Whithaus, D. Kelly-Riley, & T. Macklin (Eds.). Moving Forward: Developments in Writing Assessment, U of Colorado Press, forthcoming 2024, chapter 2o. (50%)

Invited Presentations

Zimmerman, G. X. (They/He). (2024, Apr. 03). Ask The Experts: Accessibility Editor Panel [Workshop]. ACES, The Society for Editing 28th Annual National Conference, San Diego, CA. (25%)

Zimmerman, G. X. (They/He) & Kryger, K. (She/her). (2023, Nov. 13). Neurodiversity in grading contracts [Graduate Teaching Q&A]. Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH. (50%)

Zimmerman, G. X. (They/He). (2022, Oct. 6). Ableism and neurodiversity 101 [Community presentation]. Thrive, Tucson, AZ.

Zimmerman, G. X. (They/He). (2022, Aug. 11–12). Access and Universal Design [Project-based student workshop]. JEDI Academy, University of Arizona. Tucson, AZ.

Refereed Conference Presentations

Zimmerman, G. X. (They/He). (2024, Apr. 5). Focusing on document accessibility: A style guide workshop [Presentation]/ ACES, The Society for Editing 28th National Conference, San Diego, CA.

Zimmerman, G. X. (They/He). (2024, Mar. 22). A digital critical disability studies ‘care web’: Imagining a disability studies collective archive [Poster presentation]. Global Digital Humanities Symposium 2024, East Lansing, MI.

Zimmerman, G. X. (They/He). (2024, Mar. 7). Queer mad feminisms: ‘Letting go’ to embrace Feminist/ Queer/Disabled futurity [Rountable presentation]. NeMLA 55th Annual Convention, Boston, MA. (16%)

Zimmerman, G. X. (They/He). (2023, Sept. 28). Editing for accessibility: Beyond automated checkers [Presentation]. ACES Society for Editing VCon 23, virtual.

Zimmerman, G. X. (They/He), McClintick, J. (She/Her), Chu Capwell, J. (She/They), Kryger, K. (She/Her). (2023, Feb. 15). The false promise of Universal Design for Learning [Panel Presentation]. Conference on College Composition and Communication, 15 February 2023, Chicago, IL. (50%)

Osorio, R. (She/Her), Hubrig, A. (They/Them), Yabe, M. (She/Her), Zimmerman, G. X. (They/He), Kryger, K. (She/Her), Bose, D. (He/Him), Chu Capwell, J. (She/They). (2022, Mar. 9). Constructing a disability literacies framework across spaces, identities, and texts [Roundtable presentation].
Conference on College Composition and Communication, Chicago, IL. (14%)

Deadname. (2013, Mar. 13). Code-Meshing: A rhetorical genre. Research Network Forum [Paper presentation]. Conference on College Composition and Communication, Las Vegas, NV.


Zimmerman, G. X. (They/He). (2019, Jan. 7). Unlearning for trans*-inclusive pedagogy [Teacher training workshop]. 2019 Spring Teaching Symposium, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.

Deadname. (2015, Feb.). Present: Designing and giving an effective presentation. [Teaching workshop]. Eastern Washington University Writers’ Center, Cheney, WA.

Deadname. (2012, May). Code-Meshing pedagogy: A rhetorical focus. [Research workshop]. Eastern Washington University Student Research and Creative Works Symposium, Cheney, WA.

Deadname. (2011, Oct.). The mini-lesson approach: English-Usage editing [Teacher-training workshop]. TriTesol Conference, Des Moines, WA.

Deadname. (2010, Feb.) FAFSA for latine students [Community workshop]. Twin Falls High School, Twin Falls, ID.